Saturday, March 27, 2010

We return
We return from fighting
We return fighting
w.e.b du bios said this after world war one it basically means that the black community still suffered even after they fought in the war for America..they believed that upon entering the war when they come back fighting wouldn't be a option and they would have equal rights .but even during the war they were still segregated .&& coming back from the war made no difference

Friday, March 19, 2010

5 ways to kill a man by Edwin Brock

Now the title of this poem might seem gruesome..but in all actuality it really isn' just simply discusses ways that man has acted in killing .the first stanza describes the killing of Christ .the second describes the third refers to Hitler the fourth describes the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki of Japan .thee last simply says that to kill a man is to simply leave him in the 20th century where the destruction continues to go on & that he will suffer because

link to the poemm

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Charles Drew

Click on the photo for a complete bio !

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Banneker Varsity Girls

Check this out!

Monday, March 1, 2010

YAHOO NEWS !..3 teens attemptd a robberry and they were caught and taking to jail right away .this sumthing that is very common among teens ..looking for ways to get money but they are not alwayz aware of what might happen during the roberry sumthing can go wrong..sum1 can punk out..even death can come frm it..then waant happens they could be charged with felony murder which can lead to a ah lot of years in sum cases 25 to life !..teens need to stop and think about whats going on..and stop letting the world jus go around without them making a changeee