Wednesday, November 25, 2009

..jus gotta let stuff goo

..soo around the major holidays i alwayz take time out to do sum super cleaning ,throwing clothes and stuff that i dont want .each time i do that i alwayz leave one envelop behind.i kud not throw it away no matter ive decied to throw it way and rip up everything inside of it .i realzed i kept it for soo long because it held many secretss and it proved first handd !..that people really do changee..(me i stayed the same) .i felt that if i kept it den one day i kud prove to people that stuff really aint wat it shud be .but den i realized..i jus need to let it go .wuts done is done .wat wus said wus sed .cant do anything about it to change it in any type wayy..letting things goo will alwayz lead you to a new chapter in life.if u dont let go things they will hold you back..ive been holding myself bac for more than 3 years and over those yearss..shyt got really tuff..and those letters provedd alot of stuff that wud of made people really think and realizeee alot !..before i ripped them up i read everything one last time .they basically all sed friends forever..haaa! very funnyy..dat wus def ah lie ...things change people changee..but its up to you to stay the samee!